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Version: 2.2

Paket - Base

  1. DHL Paket should already be selected. Please enter the exact same access data as for the DHL Business Customer Portal. If you have created a system user, please enter the access data of this user. Click on Save. The related DHL Paket locations show your Shopify Shopify locations, these locations you can use with your Account. set up account 1
  2. Now you should be in the Account view and there should be your Paket Account.Click on Edit or on the pencil in the top right corner. set up account 2
  3. You should be in the Edit Account view, please click on Inactive to activate your account. set up account 3
  4. To complete the process, click Save at the bottom of the page to save. Next, the Participation must be entered, without this it is not possible to create a label!